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হিয়ারিং এইড (কানে শোনার মিশিন) অর্ডার বা বিস্তারিত জানতে যোগাযোগ করুন:
Advanced Hearing Center
A House of Audiological Solution, Hearing Aid Sales & Servicing Center
Advanced Hearing is a chain of premier hearing health care provider in Bangladesh. Advanced Hearing offer the finest hearing and hearing aid services accross the Bangladesh.
Our goal is to provide our patients with the best possible hearing healthcare at the lowest possible time and price. We provide all kinds of world leading hearing aid
(PHONAK,STARKEY,SIEMENS,UNITRON,REXTON,REXPRO) from ready stock and our patient can choice his better comfortable hearing aid with various style (BTE, ITE, ITC, CIC, IIC).
Our Services:
1. Complete Hearing Testing & Evaluation
2. Digital Programmable Hearing Aid Trial and Dispensing
3. Customized Hearing Protections
4. Ear Mold (Hard & soft) at our own lab
5. Speech Language Therapy
6. Hearing Aid repairing & servicing at our own lab
7. Hearing Aid Batteries & Accessories
8. Home delivery or support for Senior Citizens.
Our Hearing Aid One/Two Years Warranty/Repayment Guarantee
Our Digital Hearing Aid Starting Price - 5,000.00 BDT up to 3,50,000.00 BDT
Dhaka Office:
24/1,Shan Tower(3rd Floor)
(Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Brac Bank Building),
Shantinagar Chowrasta, Dhaka - 1217 Bangladesh
Narsingdi Office:
Seba Diagnostic (1st Floor)
Opposite Site of Narsingdi Sadar Hospital
C & B Road, Narsingdi-1600
Mobile: 01755574799, 01814091509, 01611574799, 01614091509, 01975574799, 01511574799
Web: www.advancedhearingbd.com
Mail: info@advancedhearingbd.com, | advancedhearingbd@gmail.com
Enjoy & stay connected with us:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AHearingbd
Facebook : www.fb.com/AdvancedHearingbd
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/AdvancedHearing
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/advancedhearingbd
Instagram: www.instagram.com/advancedhearingbd
MyMeetBook: www.mymeetbook.com/AdvancedHearing
AIOVideo: www.aiovideo.com/profile/advanced-hearing/18/
Google + : www.plus.google.com/u/0/106928738482803219205
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgAnLDgsoN7dd2D0nm-6wCg
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