
We are in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Free Palestine. To learn more visit this Page



See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated in the latest versions.


  • Added the ability to import M3U8 videos.
  • Added Qiwi payment method.
  • Fixed login and register page not that responsive on mobile.
  • Fixed categories not showing on mobile. (default theme)
  • Fixed single quotes showing like hashtags,
  • Fixed showing {{NOTIFY_BUTTON}} code on profile page if not logged in.
  • Fixed ads cannot be created with default theme as the placement is missing. .
  • Fixed paypal payment issues.
  • Improved speed of all /videos/ pages, like latest, top, trending etc.


  • Added the ability to embed videos from the import system [enable/disable].
  • Added Google Auth + Authy system for two authentication [enable/disable].
  • Added the ability to import M3U8 URL [enable/disable].
  • Added a new updated design for the "default" theme.
  • Added the ability to upload video to subscribers only.
  • Added privacy system, a channel owner can set their privacy for many options in the website.
  • Added auto shorts import from YouTube, same as normal YouTube auto importer.
  • Added yandex cloud storage.
  • Added import from YouTube shorts for users [enable/disable].
  • Added google cloud storage.
  • Added the ability to get notifications from channels when uploading a new video.
  • Added advanced affiliate system.
  • Added withdrawal methods.
  • Added Flutterwave payment system.
  • Added developer apps, users can use your website's API now.
  • Added hashtag support, users can write and search by hashtags.
  • Added the ability to import a video as a movie.
  • Added qiwi payment system.
  • Added login with TikTok.
  • Fixed google login.
  • Fixed after importing a tiktok video, on homepage it shows time 00:00
  • Fixed when user decide to unsubscribe - the buttons yes / no are empty
  • Fixed if a user you're subscribed to uploads a video, you don't get a notification
  • Fixed Key PayPal E-mail was not translatable in balance page.
  • Fixed admin-cp/monetization-requests clicking verify or deny the row doesn't do anything.
  • Fixed after purchasing a pro package, I go to go_pro link again when payment done, which cause to go to 404 page, he should go to payment successful page instead.
  • Fixed can't scroll in auto import page after loading another 50 videos.
  • Fixed delete user not working.
  • Fixed webp images were not working.


  • Fixed emojis not working on comments.
  • Fixed embed video issue getting "connection refused".
  • Fixed sometimes getting "bad-request" when uploading a new video.
  • Fixed uploadDate in videoObject (SEO).
  • Fixed date/time in videoObject (SEO).
  • Fixed pinned comments not showing when user is not logged in.
  • Fixed webp images were not working.
  • Fixed Google analytics code not showing in embed page.
  • Fixed comments not working on brave/edge browser.
  • Fixed clicking load more then clicking on any video will go to 404 page (history page).
  • Fixed plyr not working on default theme.
  • Fixed changing embed settings in edit video page was hanging.
  • Fixed +5 minor bugs.


  • Added video cleaner in cronjob, some videos and thumbnails were not being deleted.
  • Added the ability to disable a language.
  • Added the ability to disable terms pages.
  • Added "Email Deliverability" system to debug and check the log of SMTP settings.
  • Added the ability to set minimum withdrawal amount.
  • Added unlimited upload size to max allowed upload size.
  • Added CronJob Settings pages to manage cronjob status,
  • Added password_hash system, instead of sha1.
  • Added the ability to choose YouTube original player on imported videos.
  • Added new Twilio API for importing channels.
  • Fixed shorts views not updating when landing directly.
  • Fixed admin ads not showing if the monetization is not enabled.
  • Fixed language model showing broken when enabling maintenance mode.
  • Fixed top up feature not working when using french language.
  • Fixed shorts going to 404 when visiting from search page.
  • Fixed copy & paste not working on admin panel.
  • Fixed some css/js files loading from cdns.
  • Fixed members can not subscribe to a channel if the language is in French.
  • Fixed Movie sales are not reflected in the balance.
  • Fixed can't place comments with enter button on Shorts. It will move to next line.
  • Fixed Google Analytics input, now you can add any custom HTML code in head tag.
  • Fixed even if you have enough wallet balance, you will be asked to charge your wallet.
  • Fixed noindex issue on embeded videos.
  • Fixed +5 minor bugs.

v2.2.6 (24 Aug, 2022)

  • Added the ability to upload media files from admin panel directly to spaces, amazon, wasabi and blackaze.
  • Added custom endpoint (domain name) for S3, Spaces, Wasabi and Backblaze (CDN support).
  • Added chunk upload system, now the video is being chunked while uploading to small parts.
  • Added support for lightspeed.
  • Fixed +2 minor bugs.

v2.2.5 (19 Aug, 2022)

  • Added more regions to spaces and amazon s3.
  • Fixed tiktok short links not importing.
  • Fixed DigitalOcean, BackBlaze and Wasabi upload system.
  • Fixed +10 minor bugs.

v2.2.4 (05 Aug, 2022)

  • Added the ability to import videos from TikTok.
  • Added BackBlaze storage.
  • Added Hindi, Urdu, Chine, Indonesian, Croatian, Hebrew, Bengali, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Persian, Swedish, Vietnamese, Danish, Filipino languages.
  • Added the ability to mark all messages as read.
  • Added time to messages.
  • Added load more to message users.
  • Added the ability to add video title for live streaming.
  • Added cronjob.php file, all background processes are now added to cronjob.php, the file should be added to your server crontab, How to add cronjob?
  • Improved design in few sections.
  • Improved hreflang tags.
  • Improved SEO of whole website.
  • Removed 100MB+ from outdated libs and replaced them with cURL, for faster load speeds.
  • Removed 10+ outdated files and merged to one file (watch page).
  • Removed 13 columns from database, and replaced with faster method (payments).
  • Fixed when you copy a password using the mouse button and paste it in the password field it does not work (password complicity)
  • Fixed 5 PHP warnings and fatel errors.
  • Fixed nginx rules, if you are using nginx, you need to update the nginx.conf of your server with the updated one.
  • Fixed max allowed processes for ffmpeg.
  • Fixed upload issue for files more than 2.5GB.
  • Fixed when you put ads on ads -> website ads in admin setting pro users still see website ads appear.
  • Fixed history page was not updating new watched videos.
  • Fixed no title in 404 pages.
  • Fixed the dollar mark ($) that appear in all Mass Notifications.
  • Fixed autoplay videos repeating the same videos.
  • Fixed reset password was missing the password complicity system.
  • Fixed delete multiple users in admin panel -> users.
  • Fixed pro users couldn't set videos as "Featured"
  • Fixed Twitch import was not working.
  • Fixed nodejs CROS problems.
  • Fixed trending page showing videos with 0 views.
  • Fixed points not received if user uploads a new video.
  • Fixed important security exploit in API.
  • Fixed +10 minor bugs.

v2.2.3 (08 Jul, 2022)

  • Added quailty selector to embed video system.
  • Fixed videos playing twice in background.
  • Fixed ads showing on upload/import page, cause design glitch.
  • Fixed shorts title was not updating.
  • Fixed youtube video was not embedable.
  • Fixed embed player size was not fixed.
  • Fixed clicking on channel name in search page takes you to image link instead of channel.
  • Fixed +3 minor bugs.

v2.2.2 (30 June, 2022) [Stability Update]

  • Added user roles, admin, moderator, and editor.
  • Added debug system for FFMPEG to admin panel.
  • Added the ability to translate dates.
  • Added the ability to choose player color on embed.
  • Added category list on home page. in default theme.
  • Added developer mode in admin panel.
  • Updated all PHP libs to latest version & removed unused libs.
  • Improved design of shorts on home page and profile.
  • Improved design of monetization page.
  • Improved design of pro system page on youplay.
  • Improved design of manage sessions and balance pages.
  • Improved design of radio boxes on default theme.
  • Improved design of playlist models.
  • Improved design of history page on youplay.
  • Improved hover effects on some elements.
  • Improved movies page on youplay.
  • Improved stock videos page on youplay.
  • Improved speed on top videos page, it was a bit slow.
  • Fixed shorts were showing order by last, now by views.
  • Fixed ajax load was not working on phones.
  • Fixed users couldn't reply to comments on posts.
  • Fixed clicking share button on youplay home page wasn't opening the share dialog.
  • Fixed private videos were added to sitemap.
  • Fixed google login.
  • Fixed users weren't able to pay more than $1,000 in wallet.
  • Fixed wasabi bucket only allowed us-east-1.
  • Fixed movies search system was broken.
  • Fixed blank video on liked videos page showing to some users.
  • Fixed +10 minor bugs.

v2.2.1 (30 May, 2022)

  • Fixed title showing "playtube" on all pages.

v2.2 (28 May, 2022)

  • Added the ability to translate terms pages.
  • Added the ability to edit every page's SEO.
  • Added wasabi storage.
  • Added shorts videos, (youtube short videos).
  • Added the ability to prevent bad login attempts.
  • Added the ability to remember this device.
  • Added password complexity system.
  • Added registeration by first and last name (auto generated username).
  • Added user invitation system.
  • Added converted all payments system to one wallet.
  • Added added securionpay, Authorize.Net, Yoomoney, Fortumo, Coinbase, Aamarpay, Ngenius and CoinPayments payment methods.
  • Added new API.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Fixed few bugs.
  • Fixed small XSS vulnerability.

Version 2.1.4 (10 Jan, 2022) [Important Security Patch]

  • Fixed maintenance mode page in youplay theme.
  • Fixed upload showing "undefined" using ffmpeg.
  • Fixed system adding users as CC in newsletter.
  • Fixed refund policy title in youplay theme.
  • Fixed HTML code showing in meta description.
  • Fixed important security XSS exploit.

Version 2.1.3 (06 Jan, 2022)

  • Added maintenance mode To Admin -> Settings -> General Configuration.
  • Added LinkedIn, Vkontakte, Instagram, QQ, WeChat, Discord & Mailru social login.
  • Added refund policy page to Admin Panel -> Pages -> Manage Pages.
  • Added HTML editor to Admin Panel -> Pages -> Manage Pages.
  • Added faqs page to Admin Panel -> Pages -> Manage FAQs.
  • Fixed subscription count on youplay theme.
  • Fixed upload max size in admin panel.
  • Fixed english mistakes in Admin Panel.
  • Updated documentation,
  • Updated blog design on both themes.

Version 2.1.2 (29 Dec, 2021)

  • Added the ability to set video resolutions in Admin -> FFMPEG.
  • Added noindex meta tag for private videos.
  • Fixed auto-play problems in watch page.
  • Fixed subscribers page in youplay theme.
  • Fixed playlist auto play issue.
  • Fixed emojie support on video titles.
  • Fixed categories selection on mobile devices. (youplay)
  • Fixed video views was not increasing in embeded videos.
  • Fixed amazon, ftp and DO testing buttons in admin panel.
  • Fixed bank receipt approval in admin panel.
  • Fixed progress bar on upload page (non ffmpeg)
  • Fixed thumbnail select issue on upload page (youplay)
  • Fixed PayPal payment method.
  • Fixed RTL on youplay theme.
  • Fixed few more minor bugs.

Version 2.1 (16 Aug, 2021)

  • Added new theme, updated youplay theme.
  • Re-orginzed admin panel links, content, texts and created auto save system.
  • Added new video player,
  • Fixed 10+ reported bugs.
  • Fixed Important security bug.

Version 2.0.3 (18 April, 2021)

  • Fixed video privacy issue.
  • Fixed video image ads count down issue.
  • Fixed video cards issue on self hosted videos.
  • Fixed SQL injection vulnerability.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

Version 2.0.2 (28 March, 2021)

  • Added support for PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 8.0+
  • Updated S3 / Spaces libraries.

Version 2.0 (20 Feb, 2021)

  • Added the ability to turn off chat on live steam.
  • Added new admin panel, v2 with many new features.
  • Added ability to add trailer with movie [enable/disable].
  • Added ability to restrict a video from embeding while uploading [enable/disable].
  • Added pro users can have Google anaylytics on their channel [enable/disable].
  • Added ability to add texts/cards in specific part of the video.
  • Added see online users [admin panel]
  • Added notification for the admin when someone request withdrawal in admin panel, also notification for reports, verification requests and bank receipts.
  • Added new turkish payment gateway
  • Added scheduled upload videos in Privacy: Public, Private, Unlisted, Scheduled.
  • Added subscribe to newsletters.
  • Added the ability to download your own data from settings page.
  • Fixed Important security bug.
  • Fixed 5+ important bugs.

Version 1.9 (10 Sep, 2020)

  • Added the ability to restrict rights of certain user from uploading / importing a video.
  • Added cronjob to remove videos from site that are already removed from YouTube. (/deleted_youtube.php)
  • Added new video player (cloudinary).
  • Added agora live stream system.
  • Added only paid users could stream, free or only admin could.
  • Added Paystack, Iyzipay, Paysera, Razorpay and cashfree payment methods.
  • Added stock video section (Add royality free, video with license & require membership to download)
  • Added IMA vast ads support for Google video ads (new player is only supported)
  • Added ability to choose custom categories to appear on homepage.
  • Added ability to pay per view feature for publisher.
  • Added ability to re-arrange videos in playlist.
  • Added ability to set articles as featured on homepage.
  • Added point system, users can earn points by doing several activities in the site.
  • Added sticky video player (on scroll).
  • Fixed Important security bug.
  • Fixed 5+ important bugs.

Version 1.8.1 (06 April, 2020)

  • Fixed Important security bug.
  • Fixed 5+ important bugs.

Version 1.7.1 (05 Sep, 2019)

  • Added ability to add fake views, likes, in the admin panel for specific videos.
  • Added ability to enable/disable monetization for specific videos. [enable/disable]
  • Added ability to apply for disable enable from admin monetization (form) [enable/disable]
  • Added the ability to send take down notice for specific video. [enable/disable]
  • Added when someone access site first time a popup was added to select specific language.
  • Added 5+ more APIs.
  • Fixed 20+ important bugs.

Version 1.7 (12 Jul, 2019)

  • Added the ability to set a limit per day for ads.
  • Added the ability to block email provider in registeration.
  • Added +18 pop up, [enable/disable]
  • Added the ability to import videos from (user end).
  • Added sort by month, week and year in top videos page.
  • Added gif system for videos, (a 4 second gif will show up when user hover on the video thumbnail).
  • Added block system, channels can block each other.
  • Added the ability to import videos to a sub category.
  • Added Digitalocean space support, you can upload videos to Digitalocean.
  • Added custom pages, admin can create custom pages.
  • Added Manage currencies from admin panel, you can add, edit, and delete any curreny.
  • Added Manage sessions, user can manage his sessions from settings.
  • Added 2Checkout payment method.
  • Added Stripe, and local bank payment method support.
  • Added subscription system for channels. User can subscribe to user channel, to view their selling videos.
  • Fixed 20+ important bugs.

Version 1.6 (30 Mar, 2019)

  • Added Movies system, now admin can add movies, manage movies categories, sell movies to users.
  • Added pagination system, now all videos load thru pagination system and not thru "load more videos" button.
  • Added the ability to upload a demo video for videos that being sold.
  • Added dailymotion monetization system.
  • Added the ability for users to create and submit articles to admin.
  • Added now ads are being shown on articles page too.
  • Added the ability for user to transfter funds from earnings to wallet, so they can buy ads from their own earnings.
  • Added slider to home page.
  • Fixed few important bugs on both themes.
  • Improved site header in default theme.

Version 1.5 (13 Jan, 2019)

  • Added video studio, view detailed charts and analytics of videos, views, likes, dislikes, comments and many other features.
  • Added paid videos system, user can sell his own videos to other viewers + admin commission
  • Added auto import videos using assigned users, admin can assign a user, and the videos will be imported to the user's account.
  • Added Upload disk limit for all users, pro users, and for specific users.
  • Added video seconds on comments, start a video from a spesfic seconds.
  • Added Subscription list to the left sidebar on youplay theme
  • Added Ajax load, content are loaded faster and smoother.
  • Added filter system on search page.
  • Added Two-factor authentication.
  • Added Identify the speed of the internet and select the quality based on that.
  • Added HTML editor for announcements
  • Added Popular Channels To browse most Precent popular channels.
  • Added The ability to change video author
  • Added 2 new players, videojs & fluid video player with preload support.
  • Added max ffmpeg process in same time, you can set how many ffmpeg process can run in same time.
  • Added the ability for admin to view ads from admin panel > ads.
  • Added the ability to import videos from for admin and for users.
  • Added GEO blocking, user can restrict a video from being viewed from blocked locations.
  • Added the ability to view ads from videos that are embeded on other sites.
  • Added onesingal API, to send push notifications to the mobile apps.
  • Added sub categories.
  • Added The ability to manage categories from admin panel.
  • Fixed few important bugs.

Version 1.4.5 (06 Aug, 2018)

  • Added Wasabi storage support.
  • Added New theme.
  • Added private, public and unlisted videos.
  • Added Custom thumbnails when FFMPEG is enabled.
  • Added Download button for all qualities [enable/disable]
  • Added Import Facebook videos. {Requires APP ID AND SECRET KEY}
  • Added URL Shortener when sharing a video link.
  • Added Online Memebers In Admin > Manage users.
  • Added Instagram username to profile.
  • Added Age restriction, [ All | +18 Only ]
  • Added Donation system (Anyone can donate to channels) [enable/disable]
  • Added Video timestamp on home page / featured videos.
  • Added Admin can now approve or disapprove videos before publishing.
  • Added Admin can limit the upload videos of each user.
  • Added RTL support.
  • Added notifications when getting a new message in ajax mode.
  • Improved speed.
  • Fixed few bugs.

Version 1.4.3 (13 Jun, 2018)

  • Added FTP support, now you can upload videos to diffrent servers.
  • Added watermark on video player.
  • Added 1080p, 2K, and 4K support to FFMPEG.
  • Added GDPR support, cookie frame, checkboxes and privacy policy update.
  • Added API for delete account, create playlist, and add to playlist.
  • Fixed 10+ reported bugs

Version 1.4 (13 Apr, 2018)

  • Added New theme.
  • Added duration & channels in search page.
  • Removed Ads on YouTube videos.
  • Fixed few bugs.

Version 1.3 (04 Jan, 2018)

  • Added notifications system (likes, dislikes, comments, new subscriber).
  • Added report video system.
  • Added load more button to sidebar.
  • Added the ability for video owner to delete comments on his video.
  • Added pin comments system.
  • Added FFMPEG system, for video conversation, and auto thumbnail detection.
  • Added comment "by top" storing.
  • Added IP field on users table.
  • Added drag & drop for video upload.
  • Added night mode.
  • Added languages to admin panel.
  • Added contact us form.
  • Fixed few bugs

Version 1.2.1 (01 Dec, 2017)

  • Added full API system for the upcoming native android app.
  • Added verification system.
  • Added announcement system.
  • Added ban user by IP to admin panel.
  • Added custom JavaScript/CSS to admin panel.
  • Added mp4 links support in import video tab
  • Added share to wowonder button to watch page.
  • Fixed few important bugs

Version 1.0 (2017)

Initial release.